Thursday, March 31, 2011

Big Harvest Day

Heidi, Mathew and Gabe harvested the sweet potatoes on Sunday.

Gabe seems to be quite the expert. Tips:
1- the varieties they grew take about 4 months to mature
2- first look for the vines where the original shoots were planted. This is fairly easy by locating the largest vines.
3- Cut the vines, then follow the roots til you find the potatoes.
4- also follow any other vines to see if more sweet potatoes started in the ground.
5- Pay attention for a couple of weeks afterwards because if you missed any they will send up new shots. Once they do dig out the potatoes.

Gabe said that sweet potatoes grower generally do not grow them in the same spots for 3 to 4 years. The reason is to avoid attracting potato weevils.